Litecoin’s MimbleWimble is Live on Testnet, Full Activation in 2021 – Ethereum World News

In summary:

  • On the 1st of this month, Litecoin’s MimbleWimble protocol was launched on the Testnet
  • MimbleWimble developer, David Burkett, explained that the testnet version still has to undergo further testing before the Litecoin community can test it
  • Full activation on the mainnet will be some time in 2021

On the first of this month, the MimbleWimble protocol on the Litecoin (LTC) network went live on the testnet. The event was highlighted on Twitter by several Litecoin community members as can be seen below.

Litecoin’s MimbleWimble Launch on Testnet Eclipsed by 2 Major Events this Past Week

However, the highly anticipated launch of the Litecoin MimbleWimble protocol on the testnet was eclipsed by the two major events of the CFTC charging Bitmex with operating an illegal derivatives exchange and President Trump testing positive for COVID19.

Full Activation on Mainnet in 2021

According to the main MimbleWimble Developer, David Burkett, the code for the protocol can be found on Github. Therefore, any developer interested in checking out and running a testnet node can do so.

Mr. Burkett also explained that his main focus now was making MimbleWimble on the testnet more accessible to regular Litecoin users to start testing it out as well. This includes ‘improving the automated builds, better documentation, and starting to build out wallet support’.

He also gave 2021 as a rough timeline for the full activation of MimbleWimble on the Litecoin network.

Below is a statement from David Burkett further elaborating on the future of Litecoin’s MimbleWimble.

Right now, there are a number of areas in the code that are fragile or lack the necessary validation around edge cases, so I’ll also be taking some time this month to harden the code, and start validating any remaining consensus rules we missed.

Once I’m confident everything is working as designed, I’ll start looking for ways to break the testnet, to make sure we find and resolve any security or stability weaknesses.

Next month, I’ll share a detailed plan of all of the remaining work necessary to get MWEB (Mimblewimble Extension Block) merged to the main repo, so that miners and node operators can start signaling for activation sometime in 2021!